Choir School Only - $175
Choir School + Tutor - $525
Uniforms: Contact InSchoolwear directly to order your uniform
Extra-curricular activities: Occasionally, there may be fees for an optional extra-curricular event
Tutoring materials: To be determined with your tutor
Loss of Choir Robe: Replacement Fee
The TEMC Choir School is a full program with all activities posted on the calendar. Families will also be informed by regular email communication. Choir rehearsals occur weekly on Wednesdays. Next to rehearsal time on the first Wednesday of each month, Choirs will sing at some early Sunday Services (8:45 AM call for 9:15 AM Service) and the occasional late Sunday Service (10:30 AM call for the 11:00 AM service). Concert performances are during the Christmas season and in May. There is also the Kiwanis Festival in late February / early March.
Choristers need to be at the church 5 - 10 minutes before noted times to get organized (i.e. hang up coat, get necessary music books etc.)
When: Weekly
- Grade 4 & Younger: 5:30 - 6:30 PM
- Grade 4 & Up: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
- Voce Unite: 7:00 - 7:30 PM
Sunday Church Service
Choristers need to be in proper attire such as choir robes, dress shoes with music in-hand and ready to rehearse at 8:45 AM sharp for 9:15 AM Sunday contemporary services. Rehearsals begins at 10:30 AM, downstairs, for the 11:00 AM service.
After the singing performance, the choir will exit with younger choristers going to Sunday School while older choristers may either attend the remainder of the service or attend Sunday school.
- Where: Ouchterlony Room
- When: Sundays, occasionally
- Attire: Choir Robes, dress shoes and Sunday appropriate attire is expected. Sneakers and boots are not acceptable.
Concert Performances
The Choir School is involved with many concerts throughout the year and as concert dates are established, you will be notified promptly. However, be aware that the concerts will be in the Christmas Season, early spring and close to Mother's Day.
- When: End of December, February/March and May
There is flexibility in the age ranges defined for the Chorus choir and Voices Unite choir with consideration on factors such as peer group preferences, voice development, and other personal circumstances. Our aim is to be inclusive and accommodating where possible and reasonable.
Chorus Choir is comprised of treble voices and may sing in parts (up to four-part harmony), learn diverse styles of music, and do sight reading and ear training exercises.
- Ages: 6-18 years
- When: Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00 PM
- Attire for Special Performances The Choir wears uniforms at concerts
Voce Unite Choir is comprised of mixed voices and has a strong performance focus and requires an audition with Dr. Elaine Choi. Singers are trained as soloists and have solo performing opportunities. The focus is contemporary Christian repertoire and show tunes.
- Ages: 13-18 years
- When: Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 PM
- Attire: The Choir wears uniform at concerts
- Soloist Attire: Special costuming may be required
- Auditions: Required with Music Director, Dr. Elaine Choi
- Opportunities: Trained as soloists with solo performances